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NativeWellness.Life & the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
It's a perfect fit!

NativeWellness.Life is the only magazine that focuses on improving the health and wellness of American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) nationwide in a monthly publication.

One of the publication’s goals is to tie our American Indian heritage and culture into the tenants of living a healthy lifestyle. We inform our readers about nutrition, fitness, and good health by using a Native American perspective that our readers find exciting and familiar. We also target each member of the family, reserving pages for elders and children, too.


Similarly, the Department of Agriculture has charged FDPIR programs to “provide nutrition education to recipients.” As such, NativeWellness.Life will designate an entire page to the subject of nutrition starting in our August edition. So, every month, recipients of the magazine will receive nutritional information. Also, since its inception a year ago, NativeWellness.Life has published a healthy recipe highlighting “commodity substitutes.” It’s proven to be one of the most popular sections in the magazine.

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